Chen Family Taijiquan
with Master Wong Wai Yi (Tony)
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Chen Family Taiji Weapon Forms

Taiji Single Sword (Jian) | Taiji Saber (Dao) | Taiji Staff (Staff) | Hunyuan Dao

Old Frame Single Sword (Jian)
Posture Names

    1. Commencement
    2. Face the sun
    3. Immortal points the way
    4. Green dragon emerges from the water
    5. Protect the knee
    6. Close the door
    7. Green dragon emerges from the water
    8. Turn body, chopping Down
    9. Green dragon turns its body
    10. Diagonal flying
    11. Spread wings
    12. Lower the head
    13. Part the grass to search for the snake
    14. Golden cockerel stands alone
    15. Immortal points the way
    16. Pushing-blocking posture
    17. Ancient tree wraps its roots
    18. Hungry tiger pounces on its prey
    19. Green dragon sways its tail
    20. Reverse pulling the forearm
    21. Wild horse jumps the creek
    22. White snake flicks its tongue
    23. Black dragon sways its tail
    24. Zhong Kui bares his sword
    25. Luo Han subdues the dragon
    26. Black bear turns its back
    27. Swallow pecks at the mud
    28. White snake flicks its tongue
    29. Diagonal flying
    30. Eagle and bear matches wits
    31. Swallow pecks at the mud
    32. Pluck the star to alter the constellations
    33. Scoop the moon from the bottom of the sea
    34. Phoenix nods its head
    35. Swallow pecks at the mud
    36. White snake flicks its tongue
    37. Diagonal flying
    38. Support a thousand pounds on the left
    39. Support a thousand pounds on the right
    40. Swallow pecks at the mud
    41. White ape presents fruit
    42. Falling flowers
    43. Up, down, diagonal thrust
    44. Diagonal flying
    45. Na Zha explores the sea
    46. Great python turns its body
    47. Wei Tuo presents pestle
    48. Millstone grinding sword
    49. Taiji sword returns to its origin

    50. Return to Top

Old Frame Saber (Broadsword)
Posture Names

    1. Commencement
    2. Protect the heart
    3. Green dragon emerges from the water
    4. The wind scatters the flower
    5. White cloud covers the mountain top
    6. Part the clouds to see the sun
    7. Black tiger searches the mountain
    8. Su Qin carries the saber on his back
    9. Tumble away from the wind
    10. Waist chop at the white snake
    11. The sun revolves three times
    12. Protect the heart
    13. Part the grass to search for the snake on the left
    14. Part the grass to search for the snake on the right
    15. Green dragon emerges from the water
    16. The wind scatters the flower
    17. Bird leaves a golden wing
    18. Ye Cha explores the sea
    19. Turn body and chop on the left
    20. Turn body and chop on the right
    21. White snake flicks tongue
    22. Chest within embraces the moon

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Old Frame Five Tigers Herding Sheep Staff
Posture Names

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Chen Style Hunyuan Taiji Dao
Posture Names

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